Healthcare Solution

Healthcare Solution
Overview: In Today's medical industry is an important institution in the public sector, the perfect treatment process is mainly composed of three parts: nearby scheduling, on-board first aid, admission to continue treatment. Those require a more intelligent integrated communication and command system with professional functions such as receiving and taking calls for help, video, and other professional functions to assist in completing the guidance of outside hospital rescue. 
Healthcare Solution
Overview: In Today's medical industry is an important institution in the public sector, the perfect treatment process is mainly composed of three parts: nearby scheduling, on-board first aid, admission to continue treatment. Those require a more intelligent integrated communication and command system with professional functions such as receiving and taking calls for help, video, and other professional functions to assist in completing the guidance of outside hospital rescue. The communication solutions provided by Inrico, such as nearby dispatching, track tracking, integration with another private network, video communication, and long-distance first aid, have been widely used by medical institutions.

Inrico regards high-efficiency real-time audio and video communication as its core business and extends various practical functions such as map positioning, multimedia IM message, SOS emergency alarm, patrol inspection, incident reporting, task management, and other industrial applications. With Inrico intelligent PoC terminals, we can provide you with a safe, and solid integrated communications solution to help users complete these huge tasks!


Healthcare Communications Requirements:

Nearby dispatch

Track Playback

Interoperability with PMR network

Video Conference Call


Hardware Requirements:

GPS Positioning, Track Playback, Video Call, Call History check


Software Requirements:

Group Call/ Individual Call/All Call/Temporary Group Call

Authority Management (Stun / Kill)


Call History 

Multi-group listening 

Network / Terminal Voice Recording 

SOS One-touch Alarm 


Terminal Position 

Track Playback 

Broadcast/Group Message/Individual Message 


Patrol Area 

Patrol Plan 

Patrol Statistic 

DMR Repeater Gateway 

DMR DMO Gateway 

PDT software switch 

AES 256 bit encryption 


Main Application Scenario: Hospital/ ICRC/ Government etc.


PoC terminal for this solution


4G PoC Radio

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4G PoC Radio

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4G PoC Radio

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Convergent Gateway

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